Happy Ground Hog Day!

Ground Hog Day is a great reminder that spring is just around the corner, and it's time to order entomology supplies! Bug collecting is a wonderful activity for the whole family, and can be a gateway leading to other sciences, as questions become discoveries! 

Our Insect Killing Jars are made in-house and go fast. Add Ethyl Acetate, Pinning and Butterfly forceps, collecting vials and magnifiying glasses to have on hand before the crawly creatures come back to action. Of course, a stereo or compound microscope will enhance the experience for all.

We'll help you get started with 10% off on Insect Pins all month long with code GHD25, expires 2/28/25. Please let us know if we can help you with anything. In the mean time, I will be anxiously awaiting my first lacewing egg sighting!

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