Clever Catch Ball, Rocks

Sale price
$10 USD
List price
$14.99 USD
Clever Catch Ball, Rocks, is an excellent way to test students' knowledge on rock specimens. Ball includes 100 questions. Clever Catch can be used at school in organized classroom activities. It can also be used on the playground or at home.This  24" inflatable ball makes learning about Rocks and their properties a bunch of fun. Questions include: "The family of rocks formed from molten materials?",  "A rock that is fossilized sand dunes?", and "A rock composed entirely of sea shells?" This fun, interactive group activity develops rock knowledge and communication skills.  For grades 6+, ages 11+.  MPN SR-1429, SKU ES143.

  • Excellent way to test students' knowledge on rock specimens. 
  • Ball includes 100 questions, instructions, answer key and repair patch. 
  • Can be used for indoor and outdoor activities. 
  • For grades 6+, ages 11+
  • 24" inflatable vinyl ball 

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