Real People. Real Service. Since 1954.
Insect Pinning Set includes the basic instruments needed to begin your pinned insect collection. Our Simple Start Guide contains information on types of insects, how to collect them, helpful tools and equipment to purchase or make, how to use a pinning block, and general information about entomology.
This 5 piece kit includes our 10 page booklet, Collecting Insects: A Simple Start Guide, a solid wood 3-step pinning block, stainless steel insect pinning forceps and butterfly forceps, and a vial of 50 steel insect pins.
*Style and manufacturer of pin may vary with availability, including but not limited to: Stainless steel, black enameled, flat head, nylon head, size #2, #3 or #4.
17254 W Pleasant Lake Rd.
Manchester, Michigan 48158
1163 S Main St. #321
Chelsea, Michigan 48118
M-TH 9-5, FR 9-4, SA By Appt