Real People. Real Service. Since 1954.
Now includes Nigrosin 0.5% Aqueous Solution without Formalin and Bibulous Paper! Depending on your desired observations, you now can choose to use Nigrosin Aqueous Solution, which will not kill or alter the shape of bacteria cells, or Formalin-Nigrosin, which can kill dangerous bacteria with very little, to no distortion.
Negative staining method stains the background of your sample while leaving the actual bacterial cells untouched, allowing the cells to be quite visible on a dark background. Negative staining does not require the bacterial cells to be heat-fixed and is especially useful for cells that are susceptible to damage during the heat fixation process, such as cryptococcus neoformans. Often used to determine cell size, shape, arrangement. This is a Benz Microscope Custome Kit. SKU BZ0055
Kit includes:
*Specific instructions are dependent on the sample being stained and the desired outcome. We suggest you research your application online and choose the method that works best for your application. There are numerous helpful educational and research web sites that share information freely.
17254 W Pleasant Lake Rd.
Manchester, Michigan 48158
1163 S Main St. #321
Chelsea, Michigan 48118
M-TH 9-5, FR 9-4, SA By Appt